7 research outputs found

    Renalase and its receptor, PMCA4b, are expressed in the placenta throughout the human gestation

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    Placental function requires organized growth, transmission of nutrients, and an anti-inflammatory milieu between the maternal and fetal interface, but placental factors important for its function remain unclear. Renalase is a pro-survival, anti-inflammatory flavoprotein found to be critical in other tissues. We examined the potential role of renalase in placental development. PCR, bulk RNA sequencing, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence for renalase and its binding partners, PMCA4b and PZP, were performed on human placental tissue from second-trimester and full-term placentas separated into decidua, placental villi and chorionic plates. Quantification of immunohistochemistry was used to localize renalase across time course from 17 weeks to term. Endogenous production of renalase was examined in placental tissue and organoids. Renalase and its receptor PMCA4b transcripts and proteins were present in all layers of the placenta. Estimated RNLS protein levels did not change with gestation in the decidual samples. However, placental villi contained more renalase immunoreactive cells in fetal than full-term placental samples. RNLS co-labeled with markers for Hofbauer cells and trophoblasts within the placental villi. Endogenous production of RNLS, PMCA4b, and PZP by trophoblasts was validated in placental organoids. Renalase is endogenously expressed throughout placental tissue and specifically within Hofbauer cells and trophoblasts, suggesting a potential role for renalase in placental development and function. Future studies should assess renalase's role in normal and diseased human placenta

    In utero human intestine harbors unique metabolome, including bacterial metabolites

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    Symbiotic microbial colonization through the establishment of the intestinal microbiome is critical to many intestinal functions, including nutrient metabolism, intestinal barrier integrity, and immune regulation. Recent studies suggest that education of intestinal immunity may be ongoing in utero. However, the drivers of this process are unknown. The microbiome and its byproducts are one potential source. Whether a fetal intestinal microbiome exists is controversial, and whether microbially derived metabolites are present in utero is unknown. Here, we aimed to determine whether bacterial DNA and microbially derived metabolites can be detected in second trimester human intestinal samples. Although we were unable to amplify bacterial DNA from fetal intestines, we report a fetal metabolomic intestinal profile with an abundance of bacterially derived and host-derived metabolites commonly produced in response to microbiota. Though we did not directly assess their source and function, we hypothesize that these microbial-associated metabolites either come from the maternal microbiome and are vertically transmitted to the fetus to prime the fetal immune system and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for postnatal microbial encounters or are produced locally by bacteria that were below our detection threshold